Braii Barbeque. "Poes" redirects here. Ja, he's kwaai! WebAfrikaans sayings are often so very literal. Official & Slang terms for hello South African has 11 official languages! Steph Purk LLC 2019 - 2023 | All Rights Reserved. Webfok - Afrikaans for "fuck", can be used in most ways it is used in English. This language subsequently formed the integral parts of many South African slang words. Increase your global footprint with professional translations, The Most Spoken Languages in the World The Middle East and South-Central Asia, Professional Translation: A clear brief for first-timers, 7 things to look for in a professional linguist. Example (an experience): Dit was lekker by die see. You know what, lets just forget about the beach and have a braai instead, all we need is some meat, mieliepap, some cooldrinks, maybe a brinjal and some other veggies. Goed dankie, en met jou?. 2. africtionary - Website for African Slang dictionary. I broke up with KevinShame. For example, bakkie is not a South African slang wordit is what South Africans call a pickup truck. In Africa, the Big Five game animals are the lion, leopard, black rhinoceros, African bush elephant, and African buffalo. Bra / Bru Bro / Dude. It could be an Afrikaans slang term that refers to potato chips that are oily and have a size that is slightly bigger than that of french fries. Were going to Disneyland!Yebo!Yebo yes!. And if someone can bring some biscuits for a banofi pie that would be great. He was tuning me just now from his bakkie my bokkie is a soutie and a rooinek. And this is what lekkers literal meaning is. eks from Afrikaans, translated it means I say. Fokkende = fucking, gefok = fucked. Eish has become so popular in South Africa that it has been used over the borders with neighboring countries. Which are your favorite South African slang words? (Afrikaans - asshole-full). WebThis Afrikaans Swear Words Adult Coloring Book has 14 single-sided designs and filled with hilarious offensive quotes explained in English. He's a true storyteller with a passion for tech and literature. For the weather satellite constellation, see, An example of South African English regionalisms/slang (second language speaker), Words from Xhosa, Zulu and the other Nguni Languages, Slang terms originating from ethnic minorities, Mesthrie, Rajend. "Watch out pardna, yo girl is 06'n with my sista!" There are majorly four countries that speak this language; South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, and Zimbabwe. When would my car be arriving?, when would I be getting my package? Achuz Friend (from "accused". Web(Originated from Afrikaans slang bot.) H , . It can also indicate that everything is good or in order. The sausage is flavoured with different spices such as chilli, coriander and other ingredients such as tomato and onions. Web1. It will be best to understand the context in which the words have been used before making any assumptions. WebAfrican-Americans Slang Dictionary This dictionary is for people that want to improve their knowledge about African- Americans slang talk. For the vast majority of South Africans, Skinner is used in the same sense that it is used in Dutch/Afrikaans- to mean gossip. Happiness is one of such. It is derived from the modern isiZulu word for hangover known as isibhabhalazi. I just took it to mean literally anything. It means aunt which is also the same meaning for Afrikaans speakers. Depending on the region of South Africa you visit, you may hear it pronounced in different ways, ranging from bra to, bro to, bru to, boet to boetie. (I was in an accident with my pickup truck.). Men love to call other men whom they have grown fond of, brother. Its just that we in the English-speaking world have the phrase too, which means the opposite! All rights reserved. If you ever happen to converse with a South African and they happen to use the term 'just now' in a context that refers to completing a task or duty on time, that will not be true. 43 South African Slang Expressions You Need to Know Ag man! For the most part, this is due to racial tensions between the white South Africans and black South Africans. In most cases, you will hear people say, "That is a keif outfit". African American slang, or AAVE (African American Vernacular English), is a unique form of slang that has developed among African Americans in the In South Africa, if you were going to a conference or a large-scale meeting of some kind, or even an expo, you are going to an indaba. Braai, pronounced as br-eye, is a type of barbecue that is prepared by roasting the meat over a fire. Babbelas/Babelaas [buh-ba-las] WebThe South African English lends quite a few words from Afrikaans and the African languages like Xhosa or Zulu which are spoken widely by the black population of the country. To the natives, these chips were long and seemed to have a limp, as such, they referred to them as slap chips. WebThe following slang words used in South African originated in other parts of the Commonwealth of Nations and subsequently came to South Africa. It is used to refer to completing the duty way later after the deadline. This term is used I love learning a little bit of local language when I travel if I can. Fokkende = fucking, gefok = fucked. The majority of Coloureds in South Africa speak Afrikaans. For example, 2. If you are 4. For example, in English, we have the term Bro or even, Dude. Regardless of what/which language (s) you speak, your language (s) undoubtedly have Arvie: Afternoon, e.g., Well pop round for tea sometime this arvie. . Bloutrein (blue train): This is another commonly used South Africa slang. e.g. Bioscope, pronounced as "bioscoop" in Afrikaans is a term that is used to refer to a dated movie. " , 06' , . Lunch middagete. Template:Refimprove Hey, were going to Mkhizes jol, were you invited?Melokuhleand Amogelang were caught jolling around outside, theyre suspended for a week!. WebTannie "aunt", used by Afrikaans-speakers tops "excellent", "the best" Toppie "old man", used by Afrikaans-speakers Whakind a greeting, usually used amongst guys only, and frowned upon when used in greeting women. Required fields are marked *. Hosh is usually used to get someones attention and a variant of this expression is Hosh, jy raak wys which means Hello, show me what you are made of. WebSome of these languages that have attributed to the slang words are English, Afrikaans, Zulu, Ndebele, Xhosa, Northern Sotho, Tsonga, Venda, Tswana and Swazi. Lekker is Afrikaans for tasty.Examples:It was lekker to see you again boetYou look lekker in that dress That was a lekker braai!, Sentence addition meaning Know what I mean? do you agree? or right?Example: Eish, its cold hey?, Soon but not immediately, quicker than just now, Of course or definitely in response to a questionExample: A Were going to a jol tonight, you coming? B Onetime, Traditional maize porridge similar to grits, House, homeExample: Come over to my posie when youre ready, Invitation to join or come over Example: Pull in to my braai tonight, Traffic lightExamples:Left at the third robotRobots are down, Expression of sympathy, pity, or admiration Examples:Shame, the baby is so cute!A Her sister is in the hospital B Shame, Goodbye. Slangs are words that are coined by the natives of a particular area and their use suits the context of how the word came into existence. Those who speak English use the equivalent English words as slang. Over time, as the Xhosa people moved around, they brought their language with them. Example (annoyance): Ag tog, ek het my foon iewers gelos. The following lists slang borrowings from the Nguni Bantu languages (which include Zulu and Xhosa). Not only have I learned so much about S. Africa, I have now discovered the language . It is commonly used to express resignation, pleasant surprise and exasperation. , ( . Do you know any useful South African phrases? The meal is enjoyed during the braai festivals. It is one of the most commonly used phrases in the country. This slang is an action word which means to punch or slap, but can be as well used to refer to the sound made when someone or something is being punched. Picking up It is an informal nonstandard vocabulary composed typically of coinages, arbitrarily changed words, and extravagant, forced, or facetious figures of speech. Sommer stick them in a bakkie. However, the Dutch were not pleased initially when this distorted version of their language began to spread in the late 17th century although they began to recognize and accept it with time. Truth About The Xhosa Tribe - Culture, Traditional Attire and Food, Andile provides articles on anything from Politics, Sports, History and entertainment to funny, creepy and weird. Some of these languages that have attributed to the slang words are English, Afrikaans, Zulu, Ndebele, Xhosa, Northern Sotho, Tsonga, Venda, Tswana and Swazi. Panda:This slang was used to refer to white males. 5. Example (sympathy): Aggenee, dit lyk of jy baie seer gekry het. 1. That's a lot of ways to say hello. When you want to say that you will doing something later, or that something is happening in the near future, you dont just say that it will happen Later. However, in spite of what I have just said, a few South Africans do you use it in some contexts to answer questions. In South Africa English might be the language of business and the locals speak English usually very well, but you When you want to express such a bond, you can use the word familie to say family. Lesbian activity. Beth Thomas Child of Rage Bio: What Did She Do To Her Brother, Where Is She Now? Afrikaans words have penetrated other languages, especially South African English. In South Africa, the phrases "now now", "just now" and "right now" all mean different things; "Now now" often meaning minutes later, "just now" meaning hours later and "right now" meaning now. copyright 2023. WebWords from Xhosa, Zulu and the other Nguni Languages [ edit] abba the act of carrying a child on your back. If you are visiting the country, you might want to keep up with these words since most of them have taken root in the country. The etymology of the word derives from a description of early traffic lights as robot traffic officers. ", S , " ". WebBelow are 50 phrases and slang tourists may hear when visiting South Africa. Munt: Blacks: Rhodesian. South Africa has 11 official languages: Afrikaans, English, Ndebele, Northern Sotho, Southern Sotho, Swati, Tswana, Tsonga, Venda, Xhosa, and Zulu. (You need to get out of my house right now.). For example, asseblief, my vriend, said with a bit of remorse on the face should do justice to the situation as this means please my friend. Shame Sorry. However, this isnt sorry in the conventional sense. South Africa is that other country. They typically occur in use in the South Africa townships, but some have become increasingly popular among white youth. Read more about the languages spoken in South Africa. Constitutional law in circumstance d. As with most other countries, South Africa has its own slang. Ag man! However, under Apartheid, black South Africans were not allowed to go to pubs, restaurants and bars. Hey, are you going to shebeen after work today?No, Ive got to go to the shops instead. If you happen to visit South Africa, these are the most common words that you ought to find out the meaning of since they are commonly used: Wors: pronounced as vors, is a delicacy that is served in the country. Kaffir (/ k f r /) is an exonym and it is also an ethnic slur, the use of it in reference to black Africans is particularly common in South Africa.In Arabic, the word kafr ("unbeliever") was originally applied to pagans who were neither Muslims nor People of the Book before becoming predominantly focused on pagan zanj (black African) who were Hey bru, how are you? Many black only bars popped up all over South Africa illegally of course. There goes the list of our South African slangs you can use appropriately in any conversation to express your thought rather than saying this the descriptive way. For example, The food was lekker, or We had a lekker day. South African Children| Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock Kief dobbel gamble duidelik direct from Afrikaans, meaning clear; used to express clarity on something or excitement about something. Example: Ek het my kop gestamp teen die muur, eina! I cannot tell you how many times I annoyed my friends with using it in the wrong context! This image shows Afrikaans slang words. WebAfrikaans Slang Words: If you are looking for a country with a large variety of cultures, languages, traditions, wildlife, or outdoor activities, nothing can compete with South Regardless of what/which language (s) you speak, your language (s) undoubtedly have an equivalent of bra/bru. [eye-koh-na] A What a fun post!!! Boerewors are well known for their distinctive, continuous spiral shape, with many measuring several meters long! In most cases, they form the vocabulary of the area where they are used and their use is limited to informal speech. Once Apartheid ended, shebeen became a blanket term for bars as a whole. Most South Africans are also able to speak more than one language. The following slang words used in South African originated in other parts of the Commonwealth of Nations and subsequently came to South Africa. Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of Tajikistan! Similar to Oh in English. Here are some examples: List of Vocabulary in Afrikaans Below is a list of the vocabulary and expressions in Afrikaans placed in a table. (Oh no, it looks like you really got hurt.). 10. Expression of pity, resignation, or irritation Examples: Ag man, Ive For instance, the popular South African slang words are derived from the eleven official languages in the country. The slang this basically used by Afrikaans to greet people. These will come in handy if you are traveling to South Africa, regardless of whom you will meet in our beautiful country. For instance, different popular South African slang words are used in the different parts of the country. WebAfrikaans Slang Words: If you are looking for a country with a large variety of cultures, languages, traditions, wildlife, or outdoor activities, nothing can compete with South Africa. WE HAVE 3 CAPITAL CITIES: Pretoria is the Executive Capital, Cape Town is the Legislative Capital, and Bloemfontein is the judicial Capital. Many of the words used also occur in South African Indian speech. It would not be out of place to begin by calling out my liefde. The word is also used to refer to a blue train, a luxury class train that travels from Cape Town to Pretoria. These were known as shebeens by the populous. Hey bru, it's lekker day today for a jol ek s! Boerewors South African sausage. Ja, nee hundreds is one of my favorites! Dont skinner about me. Lekker Lekker[lek-uh] is a widely used term indicating that something is great or nice. It is not a natural growth, much as its proletarian writers would like to think so. Many South African slang words have their origins in English, others have their origins in Afrikaans, others in Zulu, others in Xhosa, whilst a few have their origins in many other languages. But first, some interesting facts about South Africa. Whilst it is commonly used to describe food and drink, it is also used to describe things such as games, TV shows and movies. ", bertha Hilda's big sister (really, really ugly), after Big Bertha, the giant cannon, beulah beautiful, usually referring to a good looking man, hilda ugly (or horrible), usually referring to a not-so good looking guy, lana penis (from alliteration Lana Lunch), milly crazy (mad) milder than mildred, vast very ("She's vast nora, my dear! Some South Africans also use it to mean to have fun as well! South African industry has boomed since the late 1990s, leading to many large companies setting up their regional headquarters in the country. This word means a type of methylated spirits that are sometimes consumed by drinking. Does Stephen A Smith Have a Wife, What Is His Salary and How Much Is He Worth? Eg. WebHere are a few Afrikaans slangs and their meaning preceding them: 22. This sends a sense of unity and shows that they will look out for each other in difficult times. Some South Africans, especially many of the European ones, add yebo as well as the English word Yes together, making yebo yes. D . the name for a pair of sport / athletic shoes, similar to sneakers or trainers. Example: Ek is gatvol vir my baas by die werk. This is one of the Afrikaans slang words that is used to refer to a punch or blow. Youll hear it in almost every context, in almost every region of South Africa! The majority of Coloureds in South Africa speak Afrikaans. It can be followed by a number of other words to emphasize the feeling. It is currently being used to refer to white males for the wrong reasons. Web15 South African Slang Words You (Might) Want to Use! guy similar to the American English word dude chop stupidor pathetic dont be such a chop (idiot). Babalas: Speaking of altering meanings, this one is my favourite word. The reason it is still available in South Africa is as a result of the Afrikaans cognate that is bioskoop which is also related to the Dutch word bioscoop that means cinema. Literally, bliksem is the Afrikaans word meaning Lightning. Waiting out the covid19 , I find Im learning so much I wouldnt have taken the time to do. ", bella to hit or slap "I will bella you if you don't stop staring at that beulah. WebSkinner[skuhn-her] is Afrikaans slang for gossip. COLONIAL HISTORY: The Dutch and the British fought over South Africa. This book is perfect for anyone who is learning Afrikaans Product Details: Perfect for all coloring mediums; Premium matte-finish cover Your email address will not be published. 15. Remember that the word my in English language is also the same in Afrikaans, so making use of the word plesier in sentences or as a response would not require much efforts. Its been used by artists like Drake and Rae Sremmurd, who popularized the term among youngsters. The slang this basically used by Afrikaans to greet people. Really? The meat is roasted outdoor using coals in a fire. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Literally, shame is an emotion felt after doing something wrong. WebTannie "aunt", used by Afrikaans-speakers tops "excellent", "the best" Toppie "old man", used by Afrikaans-speakers Whakind a greeting, usually used amongst guys WebJol party / to have fun Kiff / Kief cool. Now the word is used to refer to a particular sub-culture of homeless people who are usually found in Cape Town. Interesting Facts About Winston Beigel, His Wife Melissa Rauch and Kids. . Often doubled when used sharp sharp!, Expression of disgust, disappointment, or annoyance Examples:Ag, sies, man! That meal was sies, Thick cut fries, usually soft and soaked in vinegar. Typical users include people with Afrikaans as their first language but who speak living in areas where the population speaks both English and Afrikaans. Picking up stompies. Oh man! Eg. bella to hit or slap "I will bella you if you don't stop ), , ". This list of "Afrikanerisms" comprises slang words and phrases influenced primarily by Afrikaans. 11 NATIONAL LANGUAGES: isiZulu (the most commonly spoken), Afrikaans, isiXhosa (2nd most common), siSwati, Sesotho, Xitsonga, Sepedi, isiNdebele, Setswana, Tshivenda, and English, which is the language of business, politics and the media. The similarity of the language to English makes it easy for English speakers to blend. WebSouth African Slang. 4. It can include words, phrases, and expressions that are not part of standard English, and is often used to convey a sense of belonging or shared identity among the people who use it. However, as nice as this slang may sound when used in combat, it is intended to interrogate the hearer, use at your discretion. You can be able to put together a good expression to show appreciation in Afrikaan by simply putting together popular words like ek and jou to makeup, I appreciate you. Hayibo is Zulu for definitely not., Extreme or expression of amazement/shockExamples:That conversation was hectic A Someone stole my phone. B Hectic bru!, Hello, a greeting short for How is it?Example: Howzit my china?, Good, excellent, as in 100 percent Example: A How are you? B Hundreds, bru, hundreds., Conversation response filler for Is that so? Really? or uh huh, Agreement or confirmationExample: Ja, nee, Im fine thanks, Party or to have fun Examples:Im going to a jolIm having a jol!, Sometime, soonish, later, in the near future but not immediately, Cool, great, nice Example: That is a kiff car!, Tasty, great, awesome, delicious, nice. Instead, shebeen actually originates in Irish slang! 7. 12. Below is the list of basic Afrikaans Words for beginners: Remember the Afrikaans language is a mix of English and African culture, so it bears some similarities to the English language in a lot of ways. Fond of, brother elephant, and African buffalo Coloureds in South African industry has boomed since the 1990s... Africa townships, but some have become increasingly popular among white youth commonly! 'S a lot of ways to say hello that we in the world... Surprise and exasperation the integral parts of the language to English makes it easy English... 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